With the current Corona Virus related lockdown now completing its second month, my aviation related activities have been heavily reduced leaving me with no activities to report on here in FlyBoyz. So, instead of activities, I should be reporting on one of several model builds that are in progress, however, I haven’t actually been doing any model building worth reporting on either. That’s because I have pretty much been engaged full-time with filling customer orders from the FlyBoyz Store. It seems that a lot of modelers are sitting at home with stimulus checks and so they are looking to buy and build model planes. That has resulted in me being kept extremely busy filling orders for kits and accessories from the store. Which is great news for the store but very poor for exciting aviation related topics to post about!
However, even though I don’t have much of interest to post about, this video is very topical given the current status of the aviation industry. Enjoy the video!