Well, the Sterling P-51D Mustang is done…not actually 100% done but good enough to fly!
Yesterday, with a couple items still left to do on the building punch list, I took the Mustang to the ‘National Model Aviation Day‘ event that was being held at the STARS (Syracuse Thunderbirds Aero Radio Society) club field. I met up there with FlyBoyz Warren Wagner who has been acting as my mentor for this build. He did a rather complete pre-flight of the plane and suggested a handful of tweaks that I should make before actually flying the plane. I took his suggestions to heart and was up till 2:00AM completing the punch list and implementing the tweaks that Warren suggested. The only thing that did not get done was the manufacture and installation of a bracket to attach the fuel tank to the fuselage. Since there was a control line flying session planned today and time was about out for the build, I decided to use rubber bands for the tank attachment for the maiden flight. The bracket would wait until later (thus the not quite 100% complete statement).
The final results of the build are presented here in these photos starting with a replay of the original kit as I laid it out 6 months ago and ending with the completed build just moments before taking it to the flying field to see if it would fly. The photos are displayed in both a ‘Gallery’ format (above) for quickly scanning thru them and also in a captioned ‘Lightbox’ format (below) which allows for zooming in on individual pictures by clicking on them.
Enjoy the photos and stay tuned for the results of the maiden flight!!