Not only does today, November 9, 2019, represent the 6th birthday for FlyBoyz, it also marks the beginning of a new chapter for FlyBoyz. I’ve given a few hints over the past year that something new was going to happen with FlyBoyz and now (finally!) I’m here to announce the debut of the new, online FlyBoyz Store!!
Back in the 1970’s, when I first started modeling planes, I thought it would be kind of cool to run a hobby shop. That, along with the desire to someday ‘own’ my own small business, were ongoing dreams of mine over the years. However, the small business opportunities never developed and the economics of running a brick and mortar hobby store precluded me from going anywhere with those dreams. But that has changed. Over the past year, I’ve published a couple posts here in FlyBoyz where I’ve talked about the estate collection I had dealings with. I found dealing with that estate collection to be a rewarding exercise and decided to try and expand on those efforts. Also, the avenues made available via e-commerce paved the way for me to give an online ‘Hobby Store’ a try. So, I coupled those two factors together and decided to try launching an online ‘Hobby Store’ stocked with ‘pre-owned’ modeling items.
The FlyBoyz Store specializes in selling pre-owned Classic (old) and Vintage (really old!) model airplane kits, engines, and accessories. The kits for sale include Free Flight, Control Line, and Radio Control model planes. In addition, a small variety of model boat, plastic model plane, and model railroad rolling stock kits may be offered in the store from time to time.
The items in the FlyBoyz Store are from estate and personal collections and represent items that individual modelers treasured over the years. It is my intention to return these plane kits and other items to the modeling community where they can once again be appreciated by modelers who would like to build the kits or add them to their own personal collection.
Initially, I am starting small, meaning that what is currently displayed in the store does not represent my entire inventory. It takes a bit of time and effort to process and add individual items to the online store inventory and I still have a regular, full-time job which restricts my available time. However, I wanted to get things ‘up and running’ sooner than later which is why I’m launching the store now instead of waiting until I can list the entire inventory. I will be adding additional items to the store all the time as I process my current inventory and add to it in the future. So, be sure and check back frequently to see what ‘old’ items are ‘new’ in the store!
So, while the last 6 years of FlyBoyz have been a great experience, I hope to expand that experience in a new direction while still pursuing my love of aviation. And so, as before when I invited you to join me on my flight of re-discovery, I now invite you on that expanded flight and invite you to visit the FlyBoyz Store. You can do so by clicking on the STORE menu link in the main menu bar at the top of any FlyBoyz page. I hope you enjoy browsing thru the items for sale and enjoy reliving your memories of model airplane adventures!
I Buy Collections!
If you have, or know of, an estate or personal model airplane kit collection that is available for sale, please contact the FlyBoyz Store. I’d like to work with you to evaluate the collection and possibly purchase it. Collection inquiries can be made here: Collection Inquiry