In yet another departure from my usual aviation related fare, I am here to present an update on my venture down a new siding to build an HO model railroad layout! Over the past 3 months, since mid December 2024, I have focused my modeling efforts on getting my train layout up and running. My goal has been to get two parallel mainline tracks installed around the layout so that I could run trains on a continuous basis.
The layout that I am developing is a photo-freelanced layout based on the two locations where I grew up, the City of Troy, NY and then across to the west side of the Hudson River to the Village of Waterford, NY. I am trying to incorporate into the layout some of the prototypical elements of both locations while also adding in some of the freelanced structures and other scenic elements that I’d like to have on my layout. Also, most modelers ‘name’ their layouts. I’m still trying to figure out one for mine.
Rather than try and explain all that has happened over the past 3 months, I am hoping that the following video presents a fair understanding of what I’ve developed to this point. And before anyone comments, trust me when I say that the lighting, and electrical, to the layout is abysmal! The lighting for the layout is one of the next things that I will be addressing. But as I do that, I will also be turning my attention back to the aviation side of my modeling as I have a few planes that need some attention before the upcoming flying season. Enjoy the video!