August 17, 2013 6:47:28 PM EDT
My son Corey and I spent a few hours at the R/C flying field this morning. I had replaced the .049 engine with the leaking gas tank with yet another .049 that I had. This one also had an extended tank but it also had a muffler. I decided to try it with the muffler. After a series of launch attempts with Corey running around the airfield trying to hand launch the glider (to everyone’s amusement!), we decided that the muffler was sapping too much power from the engine to get the glider airborne. So we removed the muffler and Corey made yet another run down the runway to hand launch the glider. With higher engine performance, Corey’s launch, and the flying skills of an experienced pilot at the controls, we managed to get it up and had a successful flight with no issues! On the second flight, we caught some great thermals and had a booming flight with the plane gliding almost to the clouds. It was at least a 10 minute glide after several minutes under power! Corey and I both got a little stick time in on that flight.
While at the field, we also witnessed a spectacular crash of a beautiful P-51 Mustang by the very same pilot who was flying the glider for us. His Mustang had a radio failure and his plane spiraled in under full power. A huge loss…and one that reminded me of why I switched to HO trains years ago!
Corey and I also witnessed a lot of other great planes and flights including one by a real jet turbine powered model aircraft…COOL!
Me with glider (engine pod attached over center of wing):
Me piloting glider (framed in red in clouds):
P-51 Crash (owner/pilot in blue shirt and shorts):
Front half of mustang fuselage…what’s left of it:
Crew carrying in the rear of the mustang fuselage: