Welcome to the FlyBoyz Store!
The FlyBoyz Store specializes in selling pre-owned Classic (old) and Vintage (really old!) model airplane kits, engines, and accessories. The kits for sale include Free Flight, Control Line, and Radio Control model planes. In addition, a small variety of model boat, plastic model plane, and model railroad rolling stock kits may be offered in the store from time to time.
The items in the FlyBoyz Store are from estate and personal collections and represent items that individual modelers treasured over the years. It is my intention to return these plane kits and other items to the modeling community where they can once again be appreciated by modelers who would like to build the kits or add them to their own personal collection.
I will be adding additional items to the store all the time as I process my current inventory and add to it in the future. So, be sure and check back frequently to see what ‘old’ items are ‘new’ in the store!
Thank you for visiting the FlyBoyz Store. I hope you enjoy browsing thru the items for sale and enjoy reliving your memories of model airplane adventures!
Mike O’Neill
I Buy Collections!
If you have, or know of, an estate or personal model airplane kit collection that is available for sale, please contact the FlyBoyz Store. I’d like to work with you to evaluate the collection and possibly purchase it. Collection inquiries can be made here: Collection Inquiry
Showing 1–9 of 111 results